Thursday, September 25, 2014

Late morning, memory grove, errands, a babbling brook and my testimony

Me and the boys got up at around 8:30 which is pretty standard in our house, but Natalie didn't wake until a whopping 10:30.  A product of her late night and bedtime strike last night.  So I got some cleaning done, a nice egg and toast with oatmeal breakfast in while we were waiting for the sleeping princess to wake up.  Once she did, we got all ready and took a beautiful walk through Memory Grove.  The boys and Natalie loved it so much!  It was the first time I took them on their leashes and not in their stroller and I think they really appreciated it.  They really got to be fully interactive in all the fun little discoveries we made.  We saw a rolly polly and the kids were so amazing and enthralled it, I think we watched it for probably 10 minutes or so

We then actually got to see inside the meditation chapel! It was open today which as cool because I have never seen it open before. We them played in the water fountain and made fall leaf soup under the canopy of a tree 

 picking up the leaves and giving them to me 

Making her fall leaf soup for her mama

We then stopped at the creek for a moment for Natalie to play and the boys to climb on the picnic bench

Once the boys went for their nap I brought out the tent and Natalie played in the tent while making more fall leaf soup for me while I cleaned out our car

I just love days like this!  Usually Natalie is taking her nap at this time, but she woke up so late this morning we had to forgo the nap, and Im so glad we did, cause I some really fun mommy and Natalie time in

We then went back in the creek and played some more, and Natalie had tons of fun walking around in it and getting her hair and face all wet

Getting her hair wet in the creek

making funny faces at me 

I did catch a little giggle from her though

This one is my favourite!  I love her little personality and constantly feel so blessed for our life.  

On a side note:  Yesterday I totally forgot to mention that El called me on his way home from school.  In his institute class they were asked to name their greatest blessing, and he named me.  He then proceeded to call me and tell me how much he loved and appreciated me and let me know that I was his greatest blessing.  I told him I was surprised it wasn't our kids, and he replied with saying if it wasn't for me in his life he would't have our children.  It made me cry and made me think how grateful I am for him in my life and how much I love him.  It then made me think about how much I love this church and the eternal plan and I how much I know this church is true!  I don't bare my testimony enough (probably because I get huge anxiety in front of people and never end up saying anything I want to) so I guess this is as good as a place to do it.  I am so grateful our family is sealed for time and all eternity and I get to spend literally forever with El and my kids.  There can't be a greater blessing than that in this world! 

After this we came back home the boys decided that an hour was long enough to nap and Ben woke up screaming.  I think he may have had a bad dream or was uncomfortable in some way. The minute I went in to grab him in an attempt to put him back down, Laddy woke, up officially ending mid afternoon nap.  Shortly after El got home and played with the boys while I took Natalie out to run some errands.  We ran to Walmart (even though I hate Walmart) to pick her up some new paints and play dough and we found bread on sale and some new barrettes on sale too, so we added those to our cart.  We then ran over to Kid to Kid and I found her some awesome cute fall boots, a flower crown for her fairy/Tinker bell costume and the dinosaur puzzle for the boys I was going to order from Amazon and a bag of 4 dinosaurs for $3!! What a steal!  We then ran to Smiths to do our food shopping and I was pleasantly surprised when the bill was rung up and I was under budget!  I love when that happens!  We came home, El took a nap and I made hotdogs for dinner for the kids and Mushroom soup for myself, and then snicker doodles for dessert. Natalie played with her play dough for nearly an hour after dinner. 

We then watched the elimination of Dancing with the Stars and some random cartoons before bedtime.  The kids all went down so well tonight, no strikes and I even got the kitchen floor cleaned, some new stains on my carpet out, the dishes done, all the toys put away and 2 chapters read in my new book The Great Hunt, part of a series called The Wheel of Time.  

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