Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Back from Canada and getting ready for the new year! 2014 The Pe'as are on their way

Christmas was so much fun! It was probably the best Christmas I've had!  It was so nice to be back in the great white north to do the holidays right.  My mom had the house all decorated with Christmas and it felt like home walking in.  We spent 10 days up in Canada and saw lots of friends and family including Laura and her family.  It was great.  We are now getting ready for the new year of 2014 and working on some of our goals for the new year.  One of my goals is to simplify.  In every aspect of my life.  We rearanged our living room to give us some more space and we LOVE it!  We were so pro-active, we actually did on on New years day.  Janurary 1st. Go us!  We got our couch fixed and have a whole new and awesome budget as well!  

We also moved our kitchen table out to give a bit more space and to create a new spot to eat.  I thought it might make our kitchen seem smaller, but to our delight and surprise it actually makes our kitchen look and feel larger.  I am so happy with the new arrangement.  I have de cluttered, and gotten rid of a lot of my vases and random decoration stuff on the floor.  1. Not good with walking babies and 2. just makes clutter.  I am also getting rid of some shoes I don't wear anymore to create more space and again simplify.  With three little ones running around now, the more simple it is the better I think! I have designtated Friday nights laundry nights so we are never overwhelmed again.  Its so nice and I have gone through all the kids toys and orgnaized them and took a whole box to the DI.  Feels great!  Not to mention we re organized our room as well, giving it a much better flow and more space.  And we finally got rid of El's horrible desk chair and got a nice new smaller one that can actually be pushed into the desk.  My next big organization task will be to go through all the kids old clothes at his moms house and put them into bins for organization and space saving. But I think I might wait for my mom for that one.  She is so good at this kind of stuff.

With El's up and comming new school schedule this semester reading time at library will have to change to monday and wednesdays probably, but I haven't gone since we've been back home since El has still been on winter break we have just been spending a lot of time together as a family and going on fun outings.  I try and soak up family time as much as I can.  He has an interview at a club this Friday for a possible bouncer job!  How awesoem! Very excited about it and hoping it will go well!  Crossing my fingers :)

update on the kids

Natalie: is saying more words :  Pizza, loud, lalala (music) she is practicing praying and saying amen more and loving it!  She says wait and and out a lot now.  She is starting to make more two work sentences and can say I love you but it sounds like i lub u and also likes to say happy to you ( happy birthday to you)
She loves to dance and dances and sings all the time and everywhere!   She loves when the snow falls and likes to feel them drop on her tongue!  Its so incredibly cute!  She loves to play with her hair and mine and try and brush and put it up.  She also love to dress up like a princess.  Her grandma got her an awesome princess dress form the the move Frozen.  Princess Anna and she wears it all the time along with a princess skirt Aunty Ray got her with some jewelry and her very own princess shoes and crown!  She is our little princess.   She often likes to hid stuff behing her back and make you wait and guess what it is and surprise you.  Still loves to go everywhere with me and is staring to be able to sleep in her own bed.  We have so far done it twice now.  But its a start!
She still loves to push her baby stroller around and wants to take that or her grocery cart everywhere!
She loves to eat apple sauce with grahm crackers, and vanilla yogurt with cheerios in it. still loves her pop (juice) and chicken nuggets, noodles, hot dogs and mini cucumbers like the ones papa eats.  and loves to eat her own apple and oranges by her self.

The boys:
They love to eat avaccado, and cheerios, and they love love love the little cutties (oranges).  They are such good little eaters and will really eat almost anything I give them.  I have started to give them more sippie cups and they are getting a bit better drinking from them as they are eating.
 Laddie likes to hold his play car up in the air and walk around in circles making a car noise and pretending his car is driving.  At church this week, he didn't have his car but he had his arm up and walking in circles making his car noise....pretending his car was driving.  It was so cute!!! He is just so cute and loves to sing with his eyes as big as possible!  He loves saying daddy and will follow me around everywhere!
Spencer: Well he had another situation.  He got a hold of a coloured pencil this time and poked him self in the eye and scratched his cornea.  So we had to take him back to the doctors and now he gets eyes ointment for 7 days.  He is just so curious of everything and wants to know how everything works.  He is the investigator and usually the instigator!  He and Laddie still fight all the time over toys.  They alwasy want the exact same one.  They like to push the strollers and grocery cart around.
Both the boys like to put blocks, or our phone or just their hand to their ear and pretend to talk on the phone. Already imitating and not even 18 months

Now for some pictures

Daddy and Natalie coloring in her book

Early morning breakfast as the Ashely furniture tech guy came to fix our couch.

Little boy laddie after the couch was fixed

little spencer playing with his car

My little princess coloring in her princess book.  Love her so much!

New years eve day, the boys playing in their ball bucket.  looks like their in a wee little boat haha

Natalie excited cause I told her she could stay up all night!

Getting loopy as its getting late...We watched the Croods on new years.  It was really good and cute and ate chips and brownies.

Getting really loopy!  Its almost 11 at night.  She ended up making it to about 10 minutes past 12 haha only 2 and I think she did pretty good!

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