Sunday, June 1, 2014

June update

So a little catch up on the kids

Natalie is still saying more words and is becoming a little chatter box!  She talks talks talks in the car the whole time!

Her newest thing is baterina aka ballerina.  She is very excited about being a ballerina in the fall and she calls her self a baterina or rina a lot!

She loves having pretend conversations on my old ipad, which she thinks is her new cool dowow aka phone.  She has pretty believable conversations with Heni and her aunties usually consisting of telling them she loves them with other words thrown in.

ex. "Hi Auntie ritty....coming you....bye"

She tells me to be quite cause her baby is sleeping, or wants the lala on, or she sings to her baby, and tells me reen is go and red is top all the time!

She and Heni spent nearly an hour talking to her uncle Tony (one of Rays friends) and I asked her what she was talking to uncle about and she said "No, Tony! me ritty. Mina pink toos, mina pink pants."

She is starting to speak in three and 4 word sentences now.  She just started saying "mommy me tard (tired) go mina home"

she wants me to watch everything! which is all so cute and encompasses everything from  seeing her twirl, seeing how she put her baby to sleep, there is a bug or something of hers is dirty.

PT is TV and piggy is Olivia.  she also sings Bo go Bo trying to sing the song Bo on he go, one of her favorite shows.  And she sings Leh go (aka let it go)

If I don't catch her in time she will get her chair and grap of her sippie cups and then grab the juice from the fridge and try and pour it into her cup.  She did it once and it wasn't all that successful lol   But so incredibly cute!!!  She wants to help me in the kitchen with everything especially the microwave!  She wants to open it and shut it and push all the buttons.  "Me do" is her phrase,

-toos are shoes
-she can say hurt but it sounds more like hot.
-ted is said and she often will say "I ted....."
-she can say talk and often tells us that "daddy talk mommy" or "daddy ted mommy" (same thing)
-We were in the car and she wanted me to say 'Uncle Tony' loud and when I didn't say it as lound as she wanted she would say "I ted loud!!" lol its so cute
-Ice cream is just recently this week "Ida Peen"
-At night time we kiss and she decides what is "too big" and "too mall" to kiss.  ie, my chin is too big and my eyes are too mall
-if she needs something or wants something she says "mommy me need _____" and if she doesn't want something or need it she shakes her said while saying with the cutest face "me need ______"
-TV is PT
-she is starting to say eye tadow aka eye shadow

Our neighbours market sells frozen lemonade and she calls is watoo meni (aka watermelon) because it is pink and cold and sweet like watermelon

She often will come over to me with her baby and want me to wrap her up or her baby will be sleeping and she will show me and tell me the PT it "too laow" because her baby is sleeping

She also likes to point out in the car that "baby mem (ben) hinda (behind) mommy" "baby laddy hinda daddy"

She calls her self laddy too but she is trying to say Natalie lol

We went to the hot springs and she had a scrape and she kept telling us on the way there "mina bobo at mina home" (she got it at our house) and pointed to her flip flops shaking her head and saying "no run" cause daddy told her not to run down hill in flip flops cause thats how she fell.
And on the way home she was telling us that "mina booboo hot (hurt) hot wata (water)" all the whole shaking her head with a disheartened look on her face.  She is so expressionate, just like her dad! Its crazy cute!

When she talks she will often pause mid sentence trying to think of the right way to say it or trying to think of the word.  its so cute and you can really see the wheels turning when she does that!

Natalie likes to play volly ball with the big balls.  you through her the ball and she vollys it back to you.  Its so cute!! She is pretty good!!

Natalie still loves to dress up in her princess dresses and mommies dresses and shows.  I love it! Its so cute!!!

Spencer and Laddy love to say "Uh oh!" (spencer a bit more)  and "daddy"
Laddy tends to say "daddy" a bit more
Ben is so attached to his sesame street blankie!  if its dirty and its in the dirty laundry and I try to give him a new one he discards it and goes into the laundry and pulls out his blanket.  Or he pulls in out of the crib.  He has to go everywhere with it! when he upset, having it really calms him down.  He will bring it to you and want up when he is tired.  It is just so cute!

Both boys love to growl at you and see who can grown louder.  And then still love to play catch you!  They run away and giggle so loudly!  Ben is starting to say "mom" more and they are walking a lot better.  They love to climb and do really well on playgrounds.  They never try to go over the open areas which is really good!! They love slides!  Ben likes to go down slides sitting up and Laddy likes to go down more on his tummy. They both love to swing.

Ben just like both of his uncles likes to eat and play in the dirt constantly!
Laddy loves the water!  He loves swimming in it and running in it at splash pads.  He is always the first one in and Ben is more timid.

Laddy is starting to try to eat with his fork which is so cute.  He gets frustrated sometimes and we have to help him get the food on the fork, but then he can put it in his mouth.  It is just so cute!

they love the playground so much, especially the sandy one where we bring sand toys and they can dig and play.  They are so adventurous and little explorers.  We really have to watch them cause they have a huge tendency to walk off and of course in different directions

They love to play peek a boo in their crib when they first wake up.  Spencer climbed out of his crib the other day with the help of an overturned laundry basket he pulled in to his crib and used as a stool.  It was totally crazy!!

They are both getting their canine teeth in at the same time.  They started in about the middle of May about and they are maybe half way in now.

Spencer is our bitter!  He bites all the time and Laddy is our hitter!  He likes to go around to all the kids in nursery and just slap them on the face.  We are trying to work on that.  Its interesting lol  If Im sitting on the ground they both like to come up to me and sit on my lap and just sit there.  I love it! They are so cuddly!

They are both running now and when the door opens they run so fast to get out the door and escape.   They love being outside!  They are both now sitting forward with Natalie, which they both really seem to like a lot!  They love to lock the door when in the car.  Luckily its no big deal since we have our child locks on, but still cute.  They both are learning pretty good how to drink from a straw

They love playing with balls and throwing them up to you or just plain throwing them.

They also both love to push things and put on shoes.  El freaks out when they put on my shoes and Natalies tiaras lol but I think its just the novelty of putting stuff on. When we are going outside, they will often bring their shoes to you and then lift up their foot.  Ben does it a bit more than laddy does.

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