Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I love you May

May is starting out to be a wonderful month!  The sun is out all the time, its beautiful outside, sunny, a few showers and my flowers are out!

Kiddie update
Today she pointed to her feel and said foot, show, toes and hand.  She has never named them before just pointed to them.

She also differentiated between Heni and Honey.  It was so cute!
She is make 3-4 word sentences now, and its so exciting!  She fell and scraped her knee yesterday and today she was telling me "Me booboo park.  Me ry daddy"  She got her cut at the playground and she was crying for daddy. Very awesome!
She always says "mommy watch" so I can watch her do something from say a cool new word, to a trick to coping the actions or face of someone she saw.  I love my Nells.  She is getting so big and It is so exciting but also a bit sad.  But I am trying to concentrate on the great things instead of the things that make me sad.

Some Natalieisms "mommy go chooch.  Chooch cool.  I love you chooch" She is on a real kick with church and we are loving it!  Im so grateful that she loves going to church.  Its every LDS parents dream! But she has so much fun there so its just great!

When she is upset and wants to pout or wants to be left alone she likes to say "me be" it's very cute! 

She is wanting to try and brush her own teeth and stands on her own stool and does it herself (after i really get it done first of course)

Her new favourite show is the wot wots which she calls "woof woof" No relation to dogs, I just think she is trying to say wot and it comes out as woof.  When I asked if she was talking about a puppy show she said no, so definitely no connection with dogs lol.

She is starting to remember little things such as going to grandmas after nap, or getting a piece of cake if she finishes dinner, or even waiting until daddy gets home to ask him for candy, and promptly asks El of candy even when 5 hours have past.  Her memory is really increasing and its great to watch.  She loves to cut string and straws, and just make a straw necklace (from cut up pieces of colorful straws)

She has stated to me many times that boys are cool and girls are "retty"
"Natalie is aunty Ray cool?......No retty" "is Heni cool?......no retty" "Is Monson retty?.....no cool" "Is daddy retty?.....no cool"  lol love it!

The boys
Laddy is getting one of his canines in, his bottom left one from I can see.  They are running and jumping and still only saying mommy and daddy...but daddy is truly their favourite word being that they say it all time for everything and everyone except me.

They are loving playing with tractors and cars. They are starting to be able to play on the playground equipment when we go and its so much fun to watch.  They love to climb on the playground, and they are really good about not going over to the areas with big gaping holes that they could follow off.  Don't know if its intentional, but its definitely appreciated lol

They like going down slides and playing on swings just like Natalie.  They barely fit in the same one anymore which is kind of sad cause they were so cute together.

They are starting to make funny faces and laughing about them and laughing when I make funny faces.  They are really interested in the Ipad now and Els old phone which is now the kids fun phone now with toddler apps galore. They love the controllers and anything electronic especially Laddy lol.

They have also started to like trying on shoes, especially the ones they watch their big sister try on (which all happen to be my heels)  You can imagine how happy El is about that.  It quite the cute site to see Spencer walking around in a pair of my heels which no knowledge that they are womens shoes.  Of course the minute El sees it he makes him take him off and gives him a car to play with.  But I secretly let him wear my shoes during the day, because its just to dang cute not to. They like to try and put on their shoes as well and Natalie's sandals.  Pretty much any shoe they can find, is a fun shoe to try on.

April was a month where El was sick for weeks, and the kids kept getting sick, so I am hoping that May will be a healthy month for us, and so far so good!

Thursday 1st

It was a great first day of May.  It was such a beautiful day I decided to take them out for some good fresh air and a nice stroller ride downtown.  We walked through the downtown plaza and walked through some very cool water falls.
It was beautiful!  We went

Natalie had to go out in her princess Anna cape though.  How could I refuse?

swinging on the fun railing at the galvan center plaza

Getting ready to help momma plant the flowers.

my little helper shoveling soil.

do you see all the soil on the ground and the chair.  That little black pot on the chair was her doing.  So cute!!!!
  And the fun mess I got to clean up at the end of the day haha

Friday May 2nd

Friday we went up to Sandy with daddy and watched him play vollyball.  It was really fun because I was so stressed with the owners coming to do an inspection and making sure the house looked beautiful, that going here was a great stress reliever!  The kids had so much fun playing with all the other kids on the stage and Natalie felt like quite the princess in the cool wooden castle on stage.

My little princess

My little prince

she was so excited about this castle!  Princess Natalie full of wonder and amazement!

Later that night, I find her doing this and she tells me "momma, me bugga" aka spider man haha I had to capture a picture! 

Saturday 3rd

having fun playing inside before we head out for the day 

Ben and his favorite blankie.  It has been in the wash for a week and he keeps on going and getting it despite how gross it is.  This will definitely be coming to Canada with us!!

Getting ready for our walk

though I would take a picture of my nice spring may flowers

I love this little potting set up I've done.  Now I just need to make a new door sign.  I am not loving this one!!

Natalie finding old dandylions and blowing off their fluff

she is the light of my life!

she found a good one!
  I love watching her blow the fluff off.

our first May visit to the dinasour park or as Natalie calls it the "odi park"

We came home and my little angel loved eating her salad for lunch.  I am so glad she loves her vegetables!  Now how to get her brothers to do the same...that is the question! 

Sunday 4th
Sunday was Arianna's baby blessing, Anuhea and BJ's newest little additoin to their family.  They asked El to be in the circle and so we went to old sugar house to their Tongan ward for the blessing.  Now as we were there, I smiled and gave nice welcoming looks to everyone I saw, but there were at least 3 or 4 Tongan women, who looked at me with disgust and disdain as if to silently say....how dare you took one our men.  I told El about it and he said that some polynesian women are like that.  Reminded me of the first semester at the U when I had just started dating El when this group of polynesian girls over heard a conversation I was having about dating a Samoan guy and gave me the hardest time about it.  They told me how dare I take one of their men and don't I have enough choice of white guys to choose from?  Seriously I tell you!  I guess its a good thing we don't go to a polynesian ward!  At least my sisters are amazing and I really cherish them for that! 

Natalie playing outside of Anyheas house with cousins and Kelana's purse 

wearing pumai's sandals

she is putting on makeup, because she is such a girl and I love it!

I love this girl to pieces

little Laddy on the stairs

 Laddy again
  Now she found Kelena's Cinderella dress

the boys eating their lunch on the cute toddler table set out on the deck

having fun in the bath that night 

Monday 5th

This a busy day!  Els was busy studying for his finals this week and it was so beautiful out so I decided to take the kids to Lindsey Gardens Park in the morning.  Saw April Folly and her biys there too which was fun!  The kids love this park because it has sand and sand at playgrounds rocks!!!  We then came home for lunch and nap.

she loves making sand castles

Natalie and Laddy

Little Benny on his swing

I got the kids all packed up after nap and we went down the the library to return some books and then headed over to 11th Avenue park for our second playground fun of the day.  about 10 minutes into being there, Natalie was running and tripped over Spencer and fell on the ground.  It wasn't a bad fall, but all falls are bad falls on recycles tire turf!

ouch!!! but she was a brave little trooper!  I told her to sit on the bench while I get her brothers in the car and she did with out making a fuss.  And then I carried her to the curb and we cleaned the wound.  She cried for daddy the whole way home, so it was great for me that dad was home when we got back.  But lots of hugs and cuddle made it all okay!  Its looking really good now!

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