Labor Day and Splashpads with cousins
We met up with Ray and her kids at the Foxboro Splash pad for labor day and then took the kids to McDonalds for a fun lunch and play time on their jungle gym. Poor El had so much homework that he spent the whole time studying. I came home, called Tash to come over and babysit while I did some grocery shopping that much needed! Then I felt so bad for neglecting to make El dinner tonight that I graciously bought him Carls Junior. As I drove up the guy told me he was the only one there and he was closing, but I guess I used enough charm to let me drive through as me so kindly made me the freshest carls junior meal ever! Yay for El!
such a great time at the splash pad
little cousin with older cousin. What a sweet tender moment
of course the boys trying to eat daddys carls junior and Tash ready to leave after graciously baby sitting for me! She is my saving grace sometimes! What am I killing a lot of the time!
Tuesday 2nd
Play group and Dinosaurs
We all woke super late this morning from an even later night before. To much fun hanging out with daddy! We made it to playgroup though an HOUR late, but made it! It was really fun, I got to catch up with Paige and Natalie got to play with Ada. Natalie even used the potty at the park and on the way back to the playground we all got distracted by the sprinklers and decided to get wet, which was perfect since it was so hot out! After dinner tonight we took a nice evening stroll and took the kids to the dinosaur park at citi creek mall! Its seriously one our very favorite hangouts
Paige couldn't believe that Natalie can pump on the swing! Neither can I sometimes
Ben found this huge hole some kids must have dug up. pretty fun
twinkies on the slide
Natalie and Ada playing
just the cutest bunch of kiddos ever! I love this age!
sprinkler time at the playground.
and we are all wet!
on our way to the dinosaur park
Wednesday 3rd
Playground, splash pad and Temple Square
Today we got up late again but a little less late than yesterday, which I suppose is an improvement. We drove up to 11th Avenue park but it was so hot and Natalie was complaining about the sun so I decided to take the kids to the Gateway splash pad last minute which was so much fun! They loved it and it was the perfect cool down before lunch. We cam home, had lunch and then naps. After dinner we took another lovely walk but this time we took it through Temple Square. The boys played with sticks and Natalie enjoyed smelling the roses, literally! Great day!
super hot at 11th avenue park before gate way saves our day
yay for water! and yay for splash pads on hot summer days!
the cutest little tyke ever!
she is just fascinated by the roses
smily little boy
laddy wadds
Natalie was mad that Ben kept kicking her feet and said that she wanted to sit in Ben's seat. She we stopped and switched and she made Ben the happiest little kid ever! Best ride home for this lucky boy
wonderful fun bath time after an eventful day in the sun water and roses
Thursday 4th
Colds, tired eyes, toddler selfies, and Achilles Tendinitis??
The inevitable hit! We had a wonderful clean streak of no colds for at least a month! I think the longest yet. But a lass, I woke up today feeling like a bus ran me over in my sleep. Fever, the inability to breath out of my nose and achy muscles. All I wanted desperately do all day was sleep, but I did my best to make my kids smile and keep them alive! Yay me??? ugh I hate being sick! And poor El limped around all day cause he thinks he may have pulled something in his heel. He can't even touch it with out it throbbing. He wondered about gout but he though no way. So we'll see how it is tomorrow I guess.
I brought out the marvelous tunnel and it was a hit and it let me just relax and try and pretend I was sleeping
Natalie full of cute little energy and showing me and her brothers her somersaults
Natalie got my phone and took some cute little selfies of her and her brothers
crazy eyes!!
This smile for day!!!!
A quiet and peaceful night time snack while watching godzilla haha a bit ironic I suppose lol
Friday 5th
Gout, parks and more sick kids
Today El's heel was worse than ever. We still don't really know what is going on. He really thinks its a heel spur but is starting to contemplate it being gout. He couldn't study or do any homework today is heel was unbearable! So we called his mom and dad and asked them to come over and see if they thought it was gout. His blessed mother brought over some gout pain pills and if they worked it meant that it was gout. We were on our trial pain test, not sure what we were hoping for. I spent the day catoring to El and the kids and Natalie woke up with a fever and was not feeling well and was very grumpy all day and just feeling very under the weather. We had a play date later today with Lydia and Mary and Lily to head to the gateway splash pad. I took the kids to the B St. park in the morning for only about 30 minutes before they got too tired, but we did see Kim Reid there with Adelyn so that was fun talking to her about preschool and toddler pit falls lol After that I put the boys down for their nap and decided to forgo Natalies nap which ended up being a terrible idea. I took her no errands to get the rest of her dance stuff for her first day of ballet tomorrow and she was just a mess. By the end she was whinning and crying for a nap and wanting me to carry her and hold her the entire time. We came home, Natalie passed out and Lilly called saying Lydia passed out too, which made me feel better about Natalie's late spur of the moment nap. She woke up scorching hot with a fever and that was the rest of our night. Sad bed ridden El with possibly gout, and three sick fussy kids. Is it bedtime yet???
passed out right at 3:30 when our playdate was supposed to be
Natalie finally feeling a bit better taking some funny pictures of Laddy

Saturday 6th
No ballet = a sad little girl with a visits from Tash, trips to cafe rio and parks
Natalie woke up again with a fierce fever and we had to make a very hard decision and forgo her first class of ballet. The one she has been talking about for months, all through the summer and all week! It as a hard decision, but I couldn't have her go being contagious and with a fever. What kind of mother would I be?? We then had a very lazy morning to be delightfully surprised when tash came knocking at our door. After hearing about all of us being sick she came bearing yummy drinks from starbucks and her lovely company. We talked, I showered, the kids watched videos on her phone and then we rallied them up and got out of the house for some lunch and park time. We drove through downtown and saw all the comicon costumes which was cool and ended up at a park by the capital and then lunch at cafe rio. We came home for a very late nap and an even later night that night. But the kids were finally feeling better and I felt that I had fixed Natallie's sad day somewhat. El was able to make it to work that night only partially crippled.
I caved and bought some icecream bars. The kids loved them and they were cheap, so a win all around
getting some cuddle time in with daddy before we left for work tonight
Sunday 7th
On the mend at the splash pad, family dinner and Migraines
Poor El is having just the worst week ever! He woke up today with a migrane! Gout, colds and migraines. What else? Well we took the kids out to the gateway splash pad since it was a wopping 32 degrees today and it just seemed fitting. We came home for naps, Natalie came out with me to do some grocerie shopping (I know sunday, but it was my only free day sadly) and then Tash came over and we made some asian noodles, the kids watched The Croods for the millionth time (its this weeks favorite) and then we just visited. El finally came out from the room around 8, still with a migraine may I add to have some dinner, only to find out that he was coming down with a fever and a cold. This guy! We took a very late night and very refreshing walk by the river with the kids, and that seemed to calm them down a bit. Our place can get so stuffy and sweltering that a good night walk can sometimes do the job. El took a cold shower when we got back I put the kids down and he worked through his sick achy feeling, and crammed for his big Calculous Test on Monday. Yikes! Glad I didn't go into engineering, seriously! But so proud of El and all the hard work he does for us, even though his time is so precious and I feel like he barely has time to eat and sleep.
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