Today was mainly spent up in Wetaskawin with grandpa, Natalie and me. Grandpa had sprained his ankle yesterday and it was so bad that we he thought he better go to the hospital to get it X-rayed. So I drove my dad up to Wetaskawin to the hospital and me and Natalie hung out in the waiting room for a good hour just chillin. We then drove around and did some grocerie shopping, got lunch at McDonalds which was really fun and did some more shopping including picking up Natalie her very first pink potty and princess pull ups. Heres to potty training.
Happy Canada Day!
My poor dad soaking his foot in ice water before we head off to the hospital
Natalie playing with her cool bubble blower that morning before breakfast
On our way to the beach for the first time since we got to the cabin. Grandpas ankle is okay no break just a bad sprain. Poor dad!
Out to catch some minows
Ryan came down for a visit so I caught a great picture of him playing with the boys
My little water monkies
lunch time!
Wednesday 2nd
someone (Ben) is taking a much needed sun nap on the cushion outside on the deck.
our first bonfire of the year! And roasted marshmellows to kick it off
Thursday 3rd
This was a hot hot fun beach day!
she loves to wear her hula skirt at the cabin everywhere
morning at the park, and ben on the mouse bounce
this was such a great shot I think. Grandma and Natalie 2 generations apart sitting together eating lunch at the beach. These moments make me smile so much!
more beach and water fun while her brothers nap
we were digging a huge hole and then filling it with water and watching as her feet disappeared. It was really fun
Friday 4th (Independence Day)
Grandma and grandpa had to drive in to Wetaskiwin to do some legal stuff with the new property he bought so we spent the morning hanging outside in the back/front yard. We then went fishing with grandpa on his boat and took a playground trip that night. Great 4th of July in Canada!
Friday 5th (my birthday)
29 and feeling fine!
hanging out at the cabin for a bit while grandpa and grandma are out doing errands (which turned out to me my birthday card, 649s and my ice cream cake)
I was getting restless at the cabin so I took the kids over to the playground and let them run around. My mom later walked down when she got home and met me and helped me walk the kids back to the cabin for my birthday surprise!
The sandcaslte cafe
this is my dads new idea to get the kids all down to the beach without having to wheel an awkwared stroller in the sand (I hate rolling strollers in the sand)
so Natalies swim suite was too small so I just cut the top off and had her wear swim diapers for the bottom until El could bring me a nice new bathing suit for her
I just love being at the beach with my kids and watching them play in the sand
my mom and I I think my only selfie ( I hope so)
Sucess!!! Yay Natalie! Here is Laddy seeing what mommy is doing in the kitchen

Sunday 6th the day that El and Tash get here! Have been waiting for this day for 10 days now!
It was a bit of a cooler and rainy day to start, but it got much better and we ended up going to the flee market in the morning, picking up a very cool Dora chair and doll and two awesome trucks and then hit the playground on the way home. We spent the rest of the day at the beach and then just waited for El and Tash to get there
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