Saturday March 8 was so beautiful! It felt like the middle of spring
today. I took the kids out for a stroller ride down to Temple Square
and they are getting all their flowers out for Conference and I can see
those lovely buds on the trees. Makes me feel all warm inside. I just
love spring so much! I wish it lasted longer! I think I actually wish
the year lasted longer haha
Hi boys!
Love seeing the beautiful buds on the trees
mommy pushing the boys and Nataelie pushing her stroller. Gotta love it!
Having so much fun running around in circles..
And then crawling around in circles. I loved her so much and I feel so blessed with my life!
Finally got tuckered out
One of Natalie's special selfless. My cute little princess
It was so nice out today we set up the gates and played outside while I got lunch ready.
Sunday was such a beautiful day. Stake conference and the weather was amazing. Tash came over after and we took the kids to Lindsay Gardens Park and let them play and run around and then she took us to Sweet Tomatoes for a late lunch/early dinner. It was really nice and great to have some wonderful soup and salad.

Its El's spring break now (started this Monday) so we have been doing a lot of really fun things. We went to Vosens, Finns and Gourmandise to try some very delicious pastries. LOVED Vosens and will definitely be going back to that one and Gourmandise is also very good. Finns was good and I was really excited because it is supposed to be a Scandinavian/Swedish place, but not much baked goods just a sit in restaurant. We will have to go back and try them out though.
Monday night hanging out with daddy while he was doing some homework and Natalie cozied in with him watching her show. How cute!
This is how he does it. What a great daddy and student! He is such an example to me with everything he is balancing on his plate and he does it while being the best daddy ever too!
El was super sick on Tuesday all day so me and the kids headed out to try going for a walk, but it was just so cold that day we decided not too and had to come back early. That night however, we drove up to Logan to visit with Daniel and Mckenna and family. It was really fun!! We stayed over night on Tuesday and all the kids decided that they were not going to sleep. I had the worst headache on Wednesday and was so tired, but it was still a good day. We just relaxed and then BBQ some bratwurst Eldon style which as usual was fantastic!
Tuesday night at the Magalogo's the boys found the kids play football helmets and were playing with them. Our little future football players. Daddy was so proud!
Wednesday morning playing in Elis's room with the barbies and dolls
Our little captain America wanna be
Just before Elise went off to kindergarten. Natalie as really sad because she wanted to go with Elise to school too. She kept telling me "me work" translation being that she wants to go to school and work like big cousin Elise
Playing outside in the backyard with her brothers and Carter
She had so much fun on it
Playing over by the bbq and fire pit
Little Laddy trying to dig himself a little hole. He loved that shovel and would not give it up!
The boys playing with the tree swing
Yeah the for bratwurst. I just love El's bratwurst recipe! Its sooo good.
Thursday Natalie spent a good part of the day with Grandma and Grandpa riding in the golf cart with Grandma and then coming over and playing outside on the trampoline with me and her brothers. It was really fun. Tonight Natalie went back and is staying the night with Grandma and Grandpa and we will pick her up in the morning. I think that concludes the second week of March.
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