Saturday fun at the house relaxing and getting everything ready for cake and presents later that afternoon and Sigfrieds for dinner.
Natalies pink princess birthday party with both grandmas and grandpas and Aunty Tash
Playing with her balloons
All her presents excluding her kitchen
Spencer having fun with the tissue paper
Her brand new princess dress
This may have been her favorite present, her ariel stuffed animal
you can see it on her face how much she loves this one!

This was a close second, her Abby Cadabby doll
Cake time!!! her pink princess cake
Daddies lighting the candles
ready to blow them out
She is just the cutest thing, and my greatest blessing! I don't know what I would do with out this little person and this perfect little face in my life!
Since Natalie and Grandpa share the same birthday, they are eating their cake together!
Daddy getting down and dirty and playing with the kids in the play tent. It was really cute seeing him try to fit in there with all the kids!
Dinner time and SigFrieds. Our second walk through down town to go to Sigfrieds, except this time we know they are open!
mommy and grandma
Natalie thought it would be fun to push her stroller while sitting in her stroller…the way little minds work! You just have to smile and love it!
I thought it was pretty cute!!!
Friday at Jump around Utah celebrating Natalie's birthday and valentines presents and ice-cream. It is Valentines Day and to celebrate Natalie's birthday we took the kids to Jump around Utah. Sadly Laddie got sick today with a fever and throwing up and so he had to stay home with daddy. Natalie and Spencer had so much fun though it was great! We had pizza for lunch and then we went out for ice-cream at Leatherbys and then came home and Natalie got to open her Valentines gifts. One from Grandma and Grandpa Lowen and one from mommy and daddy. It was a great day that just went by way too fast!
Natalie on the big trampoline in the middle of the floor
Benny trying to crawl on the trampoline.
jump jump jump
Ben having fun on the trampoline
mommy chasing him
Natalie and her brother playing together. Love these moments
Mommy and Spencer
talking the kids down one of slides in one of the bouncy houses they had there. Spencer LOVED it and so did Natalie. She also wouldn't go down the slide unless I came with her. Love it!
All together now!
Natalie just woke up from her nap and we are getting ready to go to Leatherbys
Daddy and laddie poor little sick boy (this was his worst day)
Grandpa reading to both boys. They have started love reading books. Its really cute and fun
How you do story time with twins
excited to be out with the family at Leatherbys
Natalie can't wait for her ice-cream! can you tell how excited she is?
Grandma and Grandpa Pe'a came over after to open up Valentines presents and to visit with my parents. They wanted to say hi to El's parents
getting ready to open up Grandma and Grandpa Lowen's valentines present
a cuddly puppy dog
Thanks Grandma!!
opening up mommy and daddys present
Yeah Zoey from Sesame street! Her favorite show!
Laddie feeling a bit better :)
Thursday we took the kids to the Tree house children's museum in Ogden while my dad went to the Air Force museum up there. It was such an incredible museum! My mom was so impressed. The kids loved it so much and had such a fun time! Grandma was tired by the end of it though! She did more running around and crawling then she thought….but she had so much fun with the kids!
Grandma bent over playing with the boys
Yeee Haw
my little cowgirl!
a future firefighter perhaps?
In the music room
This was Natalie's favorite! The baby hospital. She got to be a doctor and write stuff down and play with the babies and put them to sleep! She LOVED this part!
They were sick so she gave them a shot
This was the castle area where she got to dress up as a princess and walk around
The littlest knight!
Princess Natalie
In Peter Rabitts house
Wednesday fun at the downtown library. It was Grandpas first time there. I had to return some library books so we decided to all go and let the kids run around the tree house attic climbing area. They had a blast, my parents loved to watch and I got some great new library books! We came home and had naps, my dad went to cabbalas and then when he got back we all went to Ikea after. It was a very fun day!
On our way in
Cheese with Grandma
Natalie wanted to push the stroller all by her self!
laddie fatty!
Such a good little climber my little bennies
The two together climbing
peek-a-boo Natalie!
So very happy to play with the new stroller
found the fun beed maze toy
Tuesday fun walking to City Creek Mall to play at the dinosaur park and to try and fix mommies computer charger at the Apple Store. I had to wait a bit for an appointment at the store, but my parents took the kids out into the main area of the mall by the creek and let them run around which they loved! However the boys didn't realize that the Apple store is enclosed by glass walls and both walked right into them in their attempt to leave the store.
Hanging out after nap time with grandpa before dinner
We tried to walk to Sigfrieds for dinner tonight (being it my dads favorite place to eat here) but to our disappointment it is closed Mon-Wed nights. So we walked to the cheese Cake Factory and it was a 45 minute wait, so we walked all the way home, and drove to crown burger and had some good late dinner! But it was a great adventure and beautiful evening walk through salt Lakes downtown district.
Natalie making some funny faces for the camera waiting for Granmda and grandpa to get here! We have the most amazing week planned!
Grandma Lowen finally got here! YEAH!! More funny faces with Grandma
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