Easter with the Family
It was fun. This was Natalies first Easter. No easter egg hunt this year since she was too little, but definitely next year.
here are some of the pictures from Easter 2011
Look at that face

Natalie with big cousin Kenyon
And Grandma

Eating her fist again lol
Our Logan Trip

So, we took a trip to Logan with El's cousin Daniel and his family to check out the university and campus and possibly the town house we will be living in if we can get it. It is on-campus housing, and small but really cute. And it looks really nice in person too.

The Logan temple is so beautiful! It looks like a castle and I love how the outside is made of brick instead of being all white. It is gorgeous. I am really excited that this will be our new temple. Its great to move to another city where we will have a temple so close to us! What a
great blessing!

Natalie's Baby Blessing

This was a really exciting week for us. Natalie was super sick this week with her first ever cold. That really sucked for Natalie. She was so uncomfortable and we felt so bad for her and helpless since there was nothing we could really do for. We finally know why parents say its the worst to have a sick child. it really is. As a parent I have never felt so helpless. We did end up buying a humidifier for our bedroom to help her breath. Our room now feels like a cigar room or like the Amazon Jungle haha. But it works wonders for Natalie!
This is also a really exciting week because this is Natalie's baby blessing. A really exciting time for our family, especially for Eldon. He has been in tons of baby blessings before, but this is the first time he has had the opportunity to bless his own daughter. It was a very tender blessing! Definitely from the heart. We were both really emotional that day. What a wonderful day, and great testimonies that day as well. Eldon's cousin Daniel and his family were able to come down for the blessing which was really nice. We were able to see baby Carter and little Elise (who is getting so big) Both El and I can't believe that she is only 2! Daniel and his family are actually the ones we are going to be living by when we move to Logan next year. We are so excited for that. Great family!!!
With Auntie Nat
Natalie with daddy and uncle Daniel
Blessing dress
She was smiling a ton here
Nells with mommy and daddy
with mommy
with daddy
I think she looks so cute with the little head band
With big cousin Elise
baby Carter
First week of April and Conference
This is becoming a really fun month! Natalie is doing great with her reflux and is such a great baby.Her first conference with Aunty Jen. She really couldn't believe how big she was. She thought she is really filling out. We agree.
I can't believe she is holding on to her toy!! El captured this and its so awesome!
So we finally caught her first smile on camera. Actually her Aunty Tash captured it on her cell phone and then sent it to us. How CUTE!!!
Sleeping just like daddy..... seriously a becoming a daddies little girl!
Baby and grandma sleeping. I thought this was really cute.
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