Monday, October 31, 2016

October weekly roundup 4

Playing at grandmas house 

a little gypse

playing outside by the creek before gymnastics

Im loving their hats!

The awesome halloween decorations at gymnastics that kept the boys interest for the whole hour almost

this boy ( Ben) was sad because I wouldn't let him bring out his bike

halloween costume party at gymnastics

the beautiful flowers the kids picked for me

their costumes on the way to our playgroup halloween party

halloween bingo

the annual halloween eating the donuts contest.  Its always so much fun to watch the kids try

the kids were tuckered our after the party they all fell asleep.  The boys not for too long....

but his one was out!

Its a beautiful October so far!

the Halloween Library carnival

we say this guy at our Nightmare on 13th night out and then he made an appearance here too.  Mr. Pumpkin head was very nice and gave hugs and high fives

On our way to out ward halloween carnival and trunk or treat

We have Minnesota Twins and Mary from Hocus pocus.  We watched the movie last night for movie night and Natalie thought she was so cool, she wanted to dress as her for the halloween party today

face painting

these guys loved collecting candy, except every time they got on they wanted to stop and open it up and eat it right on the spot. lol

Nells and Savanah having fun

Our Halloween party movie night with the Hayes.  We watched great movies, had great food and had great company

Grandma and grandpa came!  And they brought presents for the boys to celebrate their birthday

carving our pumpkin

bike riding wearing their new Blue Jays hats Papa gave them