Saturday, February 28, 2015

weekly roundup 4

This last week has been a hard and strenuous week.  El has been so sick with a fever and sore that he stayed home from school from Tuesday onward.  He went to the doctors on Friday and they gave him some antibiotics to fight off a bacterial infection.  But by Sunday his fever was worse and he was in more pain so we went to the ER and they told him he has a MRSA infection.  They gave him an antibiotic via IV that took nearly 4 hours to fully infuse and then they told him to come back the next day to one more.  He went in at 7 in the morning and by 11 when the antibiotic was finished infusing, his temperature spiked to 105.  They did some blood tests and a CT scan and found he had a pocket of bacteria fluid that needed to be removed so he went into surgery and had that done and now he has a huge wound by his leg that has to be dressed and filled, so hopefully I can learn and do it so we don't have to have a home care nurse! More $$$ that we just don't have :(  But during the week, the weather was pretty good, so I took the kids out a bit and we played inside building forts and having dance parties and playing games.  Sometime during the week I think Wednesday, Els parents came over and gave both me and El a blessing.  He gave El a blessing for health and just me a blessing for peace, which was really nice, since I felt like I was failing on all levels that week, as a mother and a wife and a friend and just a human being!  It was a hard week,  but I love blessings!   It really makes me realize how true the church is and makes me so grateful for the atonement and the priesthood.  It was a wonderful little reminder and pick me up that I really needed!

Here are the pictures from the week.

Sunday March 1st

Saturday Feb 28th 

Thursday Feb 26th
Spent the day at Grandma and Grandpas house so El could catch up on homework.  We didn't know at this point that he had a bacterial infection yet.

Wednesday Feb 25th
This was the day that his parents came over and have us a blessing.  The day was pretty good though, the kids had a ton of fun going on a walk.  We just took a morning stroll down South Temple since it was so beautiful.  We came home and had some lunch and then played games and made forts.  I did some crafting and made a sign that my sister in law asked me to make her for Easter.

Tuesday Feb 24th 
It was fort day today and we played monsters and bears and had a dance party.  It was great and so much fun! 

Our cool under the table fort that we hid from the monsters from

peek a boo from Natalie!  She was taking turns being the monster

Monday Feb 23rd

Sunday, February 22, 2015

February weekly round up 3

Sunday February 22nd 

Natalie has been watching me do yoga lately, and likes doing it with me, so here she is doing a camel pose on my legs. I guess a bit of acro yoga!  Yay Natalie! 

Friday February 20th  
It was a chillly day today, so we decided to take the kids over to city creek dinosaur park.  They loved it as usual! 

Thursday February 19th 
El and Dad and Sua went out golfing this morning, so we decided to head over to Els parents place to visit grandma Tala and play on the trampoline and climb trees. 

My mom in her new beautiful mumu!

Ben fell asleep right before El got there to meet us so we could head out to Chuckarama, curtesy of his parents.

Wednesday February 18th 
LIbrary day.  I had some pretty hefty fines at the library (well not that hefty, only about $29, but that is still pretty high) you get to pay off $3 a child, so with my parents help, I conveniently paid off $9 of fines today!  And the kids loved the reading time and got to make snowmen! (with our help of course lol) 

chasing bubbles after

These trees in the courtyard are so popular with my kids and Im sure many other kids as well.

Natalie was being so cute, helping her brother hang on to the branch

Later my mom and I took Natalie and Lucky for a beautiful walk through Memory Grove.

hiding behind a bush playing hide a seek with grandma

the kids loved lucky so much! I am so thankful that Lucky was so great with them.  He must have known they were little and showed far more patients than he usually does.  Very appreciated Lucky! 

Tuesday February 17th 

an awesome birthday breakfast of pink strawberry cake 

getting all the cupcakes ready for the princess party tonight.

 Nataies new birthday outfit from Jon and Sadie!  I love it so much!

We made a fun stop at the library today to drop off books and then hang on the trees.  It was a beautiful day out today which was so nice!

The birthday table is coming together nicely

as is the present table.  Someone is loved!

At kangaroo zoo for the party fun with her brothers and best friend and cousin Heni

there is nothing more fun than chasing a balloon!

the kids played so hard and had so much fun at this place!  I just love this place so much!

these two little divas!

back at home for pizza and cupcakes

My dads Black Forest birthday cake.  The big 62!

Natalie's amazing princess birthday cake.  Walmart really did a great job!

riding her new bike she got

And my new yoga mat El got for me as a late Valentines prestent since we were so busy on Valentines day!  My dad and El and Lyman went out shooting in the morning, and then El went into work that night. The Westerner called a couple of weeks ago seeking his help since they were hosting a concert that night, and he was sweet enough to say yes.  So we celebrated Valentines day a couple days late lol  But I just love it!

The cake table getting ready to make some very important birthday wishes!

Eat Cake!

Monday February 16th

We took the kids to Discover the Dinosaurs at the Salt Palace Convention Center.  It was really great and the dinosaurs all looks so real, so real that the kids were terrified in fact! 

Natalie was not sure of the dinosaurs all around and wouldn't let go of me.

I ended up carrying her through the whole exhibit. lol But in my arms she thought they were much cooler and a tad less scary

The very cool bouncy houses they had there.  They really went all out! 

Natalie getting a rid on a Triceratops!  She was a little apprehensive, but enjoyed it still!

laddy sitting on top of a much smaller and staionary Triceratops in the dinosaur exhibit part.

Getting her face painted, curtesy of Grandma!

What a cool butterfly!

The result of a very fun packed morning of Dinosaurs!  She completely knocked out! face paint still on haha

Later that night, Grandma and Papa Pe'a came over to drop off her birthday present.  She just loved it!

its hard to see in this picture, but its a singing Elsa doll!  How perfect!

My Dad's birthday present from El's parents.  They also gave my mom a matching mumu! So sweet of them!

And some Hawaiian chocolate

The three birthday buddies! Mom (3rd) Dad and Natalie (17th)

Then we went out with Jon and Saddie, but not before they came by and dropped off Natalies birthday present too!  I love them so much!  thanks guys!  They gave Natalie the cutest outfit from one of my favourite store Crazy 8!

a bad picture of the skirt, but a picture non the less.  It was hard to get a good one since she kept running around with it.

Sunday February 15th 

After my mom and I took the kids up the mountain with my parents for a nice walk.  Natalie was super fussy that day, but got happier as the day progressed. 

One of the few pictures where I am actually in them

Grandma and Natalie walking on the ice and snow