So Spencer ate a nickle about three weeks ago and he was so sick, and we all thought it was a bad cold, or infection, but we couldn't find one. So his doctor said there could be a chance that he swallowed a nickel and that might be causing him to be so sick, but he never chocked, we don't even have nickels lying around, so I thought yeah right! We we got the X-Ray back and there was the nickel. So we had to stay over night and have the hospital monitor him, and then he went in for surgery (scope so its a tube that goes down his throat. Un invasive, but he still need full anesthesia.) we got it out and he is doing sooo much better! Natalie is saying even more words.
some of the things she is saying: talk...grawma talk, papa talk, daddy talk, baby talk, mommy talk
-Me everything and Mine
-Beep beep if she needs something moved or if you need to move out of her way haha
-watch for TV and watching her do things
-Hot...Me hot if she is hot
-She does this shiver thing if something is cold
The other day we were watching wrestling and the commentator said "Who will be the next champion?!!!!!" and Natalie while eating her dinner out of no where yelled MEEEEEEEE!!!! it was sooooo cute!!!!!!
-Me if she wants to do it herself
-Happy for her music in the car
-still uh oh for her blankie
And has the cutest little diva inflections in her voice when she tries to talk to you
The boys are getting so close to walking! They are taking like 7-8 steps now before falling down. Laddie can walk to things if they are short distance away with out falling.
Spencer will say Mama and want to be with me all the time!
Laddie says Dada and seems to take to El
Laddie LOVES to eat! And scarfs his food down, where as Spencer takes is very sweet time.
Natalie still loves to go everywhere I go and will same hum (come) and humming (coming) and she also says Wait.
She likes to play with old toilet paper rolls and look through them like a telescope
My ankle is getting better. Swelling gone away, bruising almost gone, just under the ankle bone is some bruising and hurts like hell if it is bumped or touched.
We are getting ready to go to Logan for Thanksgiving, which I am super excited for, so pictures will be up shortly!