At the airport on our way out.
Natalie loved the sliding walkway
San Diego Zoo! (this is the Spanish Village we walked through to get to the zoo)
I love those blue accents! Its my favorite
Waiting in line to go on the tour bus
The Elephants
I have never seen turtles so big in my life! Very cool!
Waiting in line to go on the air tram!
Me and nellz up in the air over San Diego beautiful and Natalie loved it!
Downtown San Diego
Loving the moving walkway at the zoo.
The zoo was so huge! Its a world renowned zoo!
In on the sky tram again, with the San Diego skyline in view
Visiting Uncle Tagi and Natalie's three cousins. She had so much fun playing with them and Tagi is a great guy! Friends from back when El lived in Samoa.
At Santa Monica Beach...the water was freezing!
Santa Monica's famous Peer
So this is the beach where Bay Watch was filmed...and here is the famous life guard tower.
Downtown L.A. ...well part of it anyways.
Awesome how Compton can spell!! 'Wensday'... hahaha... where did the 'd' go?
The most amazing pancakes in the world at The Griddle Cafe in Hollywood
The Golden Ticket
Walking along Santa Monica again
Venice Beach
I love how the playground was built in the sand from the beach...its was literally a playground on the beach!
Hollywood star walk
Natalie fit the footprints and hand prints of shirley temple
El has the same shoe size of Will Smith. 13 baby
The Worlds greatest Candy Store
We went to Newport Beach and just as we were leaving El said 'is that a seal?' I looked over and sure enough there was a seal! I couldn't believe it! A seal decided to come up and chill on the beach.. It was just about coolest thing ever! He came up really close and was super curious. it was awesome!
He was just starting to come up
Making his way

I think it may have been hungry and tired....its just chilling
getting closer